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 Registration Example

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Messages : 418
Date d'inscription : 2012-01-31

Registration Example Empty
PostSubject: Registration Example   Registration Example EmptyFri 23 Mar - 16:44

Template example:

>>> Team full name

>>> Team short name (abbreviation)

>>> Address of website/forum

>>> Team server location

>>> Captain full-name (login) - <E-mail>

>>> Co-Captain full name (login)

>>> Line-up:

Player 1 name (login)
Player 2 name (login)
Player 3 name (login)
Player 4 name (login)

Only the Captain of each team needs to say "Rules read and approved".


Please, take note of the following:

Rules for registrations:

- Line up’s between 8 and 12 players;

- Maximum 2 line-ups per team;

- Mixed teams with Line-ups formed to play SPECIFICALLY this competition WILL NOT be allowed;

- However, any team is allowed to have the maximum of 2 (two) invited players of a different team to join them, no more than that will be tolerated (we are aware of the old existing teams and the new ones, as well of the team-hoppers players);

- In order to determine if a mixed team was formed specifically for this competition or not, the TRC Organization will take note on the line-ups of the last 3 known competitions. This rule is set to avoid team-hoppers and fake teams that wish to win a competition at any cost. We want to send the clear message that ATR team is against such procedure, we think it harms the TM Community;

- If in the last 3 known competitions someone played for different teams (without being a full member of those teams), this player will automatically be considered a "guest" or "invited" player on whatever team/line-up he decides to join in this competition;

- There is only 1 exception to this rule: the teams that are facing problems with membership and cannot form an entire lineup only with its riders. The TRC Organization will watch every case in particular and very carefully, in order not to open a breach in the other rules above;

- Another examples of registrations:

Team "X" Line-up:

- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Beta Team - guest 1
- 1 Player from the Beta Team - guest 2
- 1 Player from the Omega Team - guest 3
- 1 Player from the Omega Team - guest 4


Team "Y" Line-up:

- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Beta Team - guest 1
- 1 Player from the Omega Team - guest 2


Team "Z" Line Up:

- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Alpha Team
- 1 Player from the Beta Team
- 1 Player from the Beta Team
- 1 Player from the Beta Team
- 1 Player from the Beta Team

* THIS LINE-UP IS ALLOWED! (as long as the 2 teams forming it can't make a lineup because the team doesn't have enough players)

- Team’s names are free of choice;

- Every team on the act of registration must appoint 1 Team Captain and 1 Co-Captain, who will act as a substitute. Captains and co-captains are the only ones who act in the name of the team;
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Registration Example
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