What you need to do to organize a match :
1 - see with the other team when we play, and on whose server
2 - exchange maps with oponents (1 week before is good)
3 - see who plays (or doesn't play) --> means wether you make selections, or match opened to any (or trained) player(s)
--> selections : take times (the best thing is to put our top times on each map on the forum, and to update it often. This way guys will play more to get their place at the match)
4 - you annouce teams for the next maps at the end of the current map
5 - beware of players who don't have to play (from another/no team, or sometimes our players)
--> /adm spec LOGIN (nice guy)
--> /adm kick LOGIN (not so nice guy)
--> /adm ban LOGIN (bad guy)
--> /adm black login (very bad guy Very Happy )
6 - you sometimes have to restart only the current run (disconnection, late substitutes...)
--> /adm end
/adm restart (restarts map, normally with no WU)
/adm next (next map, with WU)
/adm mode 2 : team mode
/team warmupduration 1 : set 1 WU
/team pointslimit 5 : set pointslimit to 5 --> 1st team to 5 pts wins the map
/team newrules 1 : activate new rules (always)
/team maxpoints # : set the 1st player's maxpoints
(ex: 3vs3, it is 6 pts max usually, but you don't have to set it with the newrules